Technical due diligence

Amstelius is your partner for responsible real estate investments

Does the property meet all technical and environmental requirements? Is it structurally, structurally and installationally sound?

A thorough technical due diligence (TDD) gives a buyer, or in the case of a vendor technical due diligence (VTDD) the seller, prior insight into the technical quality of the building and installations, state of maintenance (including (statutory) inspections and certifications), functionality and the expected costs, investments and risks.

We also verify that the property complies with building and operating permits, laws and regulations, maintenance guidelines, and possible warranties.

On this basis, a comprehensive and thorough consideration can be made for a purchase or sale decision.


All technical knowledge under one roof

During a visual technical inspection, we assess the maintenance condition of the complex and building installations. We also assess the quality of the technical maintenance and building file in the (digital) data room. This also includes a risk inventory. Our findings and the possible risks are translated into financial consequences on the basis of the analysis.

In a red flag report (RFR), we report potential deal breakers immediately if required. We record our findings, conclusions and recommendations in a clear report with a photo report. Part of this is a cost estimate: for the identified defects, areas of concern, statutory inspection inspections, overdue maintenance and reasonably expected replacement investments in the coming years.

The reporting of our findings is done by agreement through:

  • Red flag report (RFR);
  • Questions & answers (Q&A);
  • Technical due diligence report (TDD);
  • 5 - 20 year technical capital expenditures (CAPEX).


During a technical due diligence, in some cases further advice or research is desired, such as a:

  • Energy Label;
  • Energy Performance (EP) Customized Advice;
  • Soil testing;
  • Asbestos inventory;
  • Legionella risk inventory;
  • Air quality study;
  • 100% fire scan of the complex;
  • Measurement report NEN2580.


Additional advice, research or further inspections are tailored entirely to your specific needs. We are your point of contact and coordinate this process for you.

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Want to know more about Technical due diligence? Please contact Maarten Eldering.

Maarten Eldering

General Manager

Monitoring CAPEX work, before and after acquisition

Is a new construction development being acquired before or during its realization? Or does the acquisition of the property relate to a complex that will be renovated or (re)developed by the seller after its acquisition? If this is the case, we recommend that the agreements about this be properly recorded in the purchase/construction agreement, or purchase contract, which is agreed between buyer and seller. We are happy to help you make clear agreements regarding the desired end result. In that case, we can also monitor the quality, progress, risks, etc. of the new construction development or the execution of the technical work on a project basis after the real estate transaction.

We monitor the technical capital expenditure (CAPEX) investments to be made by the seller on behalf of the buyer in accordance with the agreements made. In doing so, we also monitor term schedules and invoices in relation to the progress of the work.

We report periodically on the status of the work (including quality, budget, planning, risk management), findings, points of attention, deviations and/or necessary actions. Finally, we take care of the delivery of the project and check the revision documents, guarantees, certificates, etc.

This ensures a grip on your investment and proper value creation!