Round trip, Zaandam

Technical due diligence (TDD) | property management | technical advice

Project details

  • Round trip 11, Zaandam
Services provided

Would you like to know more about Ronde tocht 11, Zaandam? Please contact Maarten Eldering.

Maarten Eldering

General Manager

Contact directly

The office/commercial building was built in 1989. The complex has an area of approximately 11,031 m² and is located in the Westerspoor-Zuid industrial park in Zaandam. The site has an area of approx. 17,600 m² and has approximately 100 parking spaces.

Amstelius performed technical due diligence on behalf of (candidate) buyer during the purchase transaction. Amstelius has been responsible for the property management (financial/technical) on behalf of the building owner in the period 2020 to 2022.

Due diligence

Due diligence in real estate transactions provides insight into quality and ensures risk management. This prevents adverse surprises afterwards!

Thorough due diligence in real estate transactions is crucial and ensures a good understanding of quality, opportunities and risks. Our multidisciplinary team of real estate experts ensures comprehensive research. A thoroughly conducted investigation consists of a careful inspection of the property, a thorough analysis of the available information and data and possible additional specialist investigations in the areas of environment, safety and health. After reviewing and evaluating all findings and information, a clear report with cost estimate is prepared that provides good insight into opportunities and potential risks.


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